Volunteers Create List of Over 1,000 Black Artists and Labels to Support on Bandcamp Today
As part of Bandcamp‘s “#BandcampFriday” initiative in which the music platform waives its share of sales to provide relief to creators during the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of anonymous volunteers has taken it upon themselves to compile an expansive list of Black artists and labels to support.
The list, which features over 1,000 entries, was formulated and shared amid nationwide protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer. The vast majority of the music industry took part in a sweeping blackout on Tuesday, June 2nd to align with the protests and many are now amplifying their efforts to support racial justice and equality, including Bandcamp and Spotify, among others.
You can check out the full list, which is housed in an active and snowballing spreadsheet, here. If you’d like to be included in the list, simply fill out this form.
Moreover, Bandcamp put together an extensive list of artists and labels with special releases today along with information pertaining to their respective donations and the organizations they are supporting in the fight for racial justice. You can find that list here.